1) Jen Rosa is no longer working for Pure-Ecommerce.com. We are excited to announce that Melissa will be taking over steps 2 and 4 of the consulting process. Tina will be handling our Facebook designs! Thank you for your patience as we make this transition!
2) Pure-Ecommerce.com is hiring for a project manager. This is a work from home commission based job! Email Jen directly for more information - pureecommerce@ gmail.com.
3) We are holding an SEO webinar. During this webinar we will be going over some NEW important tasks that need to be done to help improve your SEO. If you HAVEN'T done the SEO step via Pure-Ecommerce.com then we don't recommend signing up. The NEW tasks we are covering in the webinar will be covered when you do your step. This webinar is being held for clients who have already completed the SEO consulting steps. The point of this webinar to keep our clients updated with the latest and greatest SEO and social marketing techniques!
4) Please take a moment to vote for Pure-Ecommerce.com in the Start Up Nation Mompreneur contest. We REALLY appreciate your support! http://www.startupnation.com/ leading-moms-in-business/ contestant/11677/index.php