Friday, September 21, 2012

Attention Clients: New Step 4 Video Just Released!

We wanted to let you know we just released an instructional video for Step 4. The video includes step-by-step instructions to demonstrate how you use the backend of your internet business. This video is available for you to watch and review as many times as you like to be sure you understand how to use the backend of your site.

To view this video, please log-in to your Elearning Library account, the video is included in document within the first tab in Step 4 - "How to work the StoreAdmin/BackEnd". This is where you will see the link.

When you are ready for Step 4 or if you would like to go back and review the information in this step, we invite you to watch this instructional video! After reviewing the video several times and if you still have questions, you can setup a 30 minute consult time at