Be sure to mark your calendars for the following important DATES. will be releasing a series of videos and tutorials into our Elearning Library! The first two videos in the series will be released November 8th and the second on November 11th - Mark your calendar!
Be sure to mark these dates and log into the Elearning library on these days to review the videos. These videos are for clients only. Lucky You!
Monday November 8th
The release of our first two Pure-Ecommerce videos which will focus on:
1) How To Use Google Plus to Benefit Your Business
This video will introduce the basics on how to use, set up and benefit from Google Plus.
2) How To Maximize Your Success with Newsletter Marketing
This video will go over how to write effective newsletters and some basic facts and information on newsletter marketing.
Monday, November 11th
Word Press Blog Tutorial Video: How to Use, Navigate, and Benefit from Your Word Press Blog. will be releasing a series of videos and tutorials into our Elearning Library! The first two videos in the series will be released November 8th and the second on November 11th - Mark your calendar!
The release of our first two Pure-Ecommerce videos which will focus on:
1) How To Use Google Plus to Benefit Your Business
This video will introduce the basics on how to use, set up and benefit from Google Plus.
2) How To Maximize Your Success with Newsletter Marketing
Monday, November 11th
Word Press Blog Tutorial Video: How to Use, Navigate, and Benefit from Your Word Press Blog.
- What to blog about
- How to navigate the dashboard
- How to get the most our of tagging, your categories, and SEO