Hello, dear reader. I've just now deployed the errata for
Beginning Django E-Commerce to the live site. You can download the errata from this link. The file is a PDF:
Download Beginning Django E-Commerce ErrataThis was sent to me by a couple of very, very helpful readers after the errata mysteriously vanished without a trace from the publisher's website. I'm grateful that my readers are looking out for me, and that someone had a backup of it.
Another important point: I've recently returned to this blog and found several comments from the past few months asking for help with the book in various comment threads. If you need assistance with the book, please email me at
I'm happy to try and help if I can, but I prefer to avoid long back-and-forths in comment threads troubleshooting issues that are off-topic, since they result in "comment spam" for people who have posted previously. :-)